Scientific Student Associations

The faculty scientific associations are formed based on the extracurricular activities of the students and are actively managed by economics and political science students.

Student Economics Scientific Association 
The Association is one of the independent student organizations of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science of Shahid Beheshti University, which was established in September 2007. This association provides an opportunity for students to cooperate and interact with each other, faculty members and officials of different departments inside and outside the university in a vibrant environment, and to improve their skills by training and gaining experience.
The activities of the Association can be summarized in the following four areas:

A) - Educational: holding workshops such as paper and proposal writing, news analysis and economic issues, training of professional software and stock exchange courses.

B) - Research: Cooperation with faculty members in conducting research projects, forming specialized groups, writing joint articles, reading articles and dissertations and writing joint books.

C) – Promotional/Social: Holding congresses and commemoration ceremonies, festivals, specialized meetings, seminars and scientific conferences, Olympiads and competitions and student publications.

D) - Communication with industry and society: holding camps and scientific visits to industries and specialized professional centers.

Student Political Science Association
The Association is run by students especially undergraduate students, who enter the Association through elections and work in a scientific and cultural field. Over the past years, the Association has tried its best to hold programs and workshops aimed at teaching and strengthening important skills of students such as discussion, analysis of political issues, interpretation of historical events, review of specialized texts, art and
writing skills. The content and subject of this program is diverse and covers various specialized fields, fromscientific seminars to photography, film analysis and journalism.

Economics and Political Sciences

Scientific Student Associations

The faculty scientific associations are formed based on the extracurricular activities of the students and are
actively managed by economics and political science students.
Student Economics Scientific Association 
The Association is one of the independent student organizations of the Faculty of Economics and Political
Science of Shahid Beheshti University, which was established in September 2007. This association provides an
 opportunity for students to cooperate and interact with each other, faculty members and officials of different
departments inside and outside the university in a vibrant environment, and to improve their skills by training
and gaining experience.
The activities of the Association can be summarized in the following four areas:
A) - Educational: holding workshops such as paper and proposal writing, news analysis and economic issues,
training of professional software and stock exchange courses.
B) - Research: Cooperation with faculty members in conducting research projects, forming specialized groups,
writing joint articles, reading articles and dissertations and writing joint books.
C) – Promotional/Social: Holding congresses and commemoration ceremonies, festivals, specialized meetings,
seminars and scientific conferences, Olympiads and competitions and student publications.
D) - Communication with industry and society: holding camps and scientific visits to industries and specialized
professional centers.
Student Political Science Association
The Association is run by students especially undergraduate students, who enter the Association through
elections and work in a scientific and cultural field. Over the past years, the Association has tried its best to
 hold programs and workshops aimed at teaching and strengthening important skills of students such as
discussion, analysis of political issues, interpretation of historical events, review of specialized texts, art and
writing skills. The content and subject of this program is diverse and covers various specialized fields, from
scientific seminars to photography, film analysis and journalism.