
The 60-year-old Department of Economics is one of the most renowned departments in Iran. In the following, programs that are offered in the faculty are listed:

Undergraduate program in economics

In this program, students will learn economic theories and gain a robust understanding of the type of decisions households and businesses face. At the same time, you will find the ability to analyze the economic environment in which these decisions are made with scientific tools and at the same time get acquainted with the Iranian economic environment.

Master's degree in economics

At the master's level 3 programs are offered: pure economics, energy economics and economic systems planning, and in the near future, a master's degree in Islamic economics will be added. The purpose of the Master of Economics program is to deepen students’ knowledge and understanding of economics as an academic discipline.

PhD in Economics

Four areas of international economics, monetary economics, public sector economics and development economics are offered and in the near future, the field of Islamic economics will be established.

Master of Economics, Pure Economics

The Master of Pure Economics, is the most general master's program in the Department of Economics and has a high degree of flexibility. In this program, students will have the opportunity to acquire the necessary professional trainings in conventional economics, and will learn specific economic fields and gain mastery in necessary research techniques. The main purpose of the program is to provid  the student with the latest scientific achievements in economics. Students can participate in scientific seminars organized by the faculty. This is a great opportunity to learn about latest economic advance and the recent research. The Master of Pure Economics concludes with a dissertation in a specific field of economics.

Master of Economics, Economic Systems and Planning

The purpose of this course is to equip the students with different tools of modeling and systems analysis (including mathematical methods, simulation, operations research, mathematical planning, advanced nonlinear, linear and dynamic systems, regression models and econometrics), which enables them to analyze complex economic problems at the macro level and large economic organizations in order to provide effective solutions and advises. Graduates of this degree will be able to work as managers and analysts in designing economic policies to solve the country's economic problems at various levels.

Master of Economics, Energy Economics

In the Master of Energy Economics, students will learn about the economics of exploration, development and production of oil and gas reserves, financing methods, development and operation costs, types of oil contracts, theories of achieving optimal extraction and pricing values. At the macro level, the effect of oil prices on macroeconomic variables and the Dutch disease phenomenon is discussed. At the same time, the economics of downstream industries, namely the refining and petrochemical industries, as well as the power plant industry, are analyzed. In addition, the economy of various types of renewable energy, including hydropower, wind, solar, hydrogen, electricity alongside energy pricing, subsidies, etc. are examined.

PhD in Development Economics

The PhD in Development Economics deals with the fundamental issues of development in societies with the aim of making students familiar with advanced studies and research that are the basis of policy making in this area. The program focuses on various aspects of development economics and with special reference to the international context of national economic policy. The basic approach in this course is to present relevant theories, test the validity of competing models empirically, and extract the policy implications of each theory.

In this regard, major policy issues along with practical experiences in other developing countries will be identified and discussed. The main purpose of this program is to offer a wide range of policy issues and theories in development economics to the students. Graduates in this field will be valuable specialists for the Planning Organization, the Ministry of Economy and Financial Affairs and related research centers.


PhD in Monetary Economics

In a growing world economy, international issues related to money and monetary policy in particular and macroeconomics in general are becoming increasingly important. This is especially is more sensitive in the case of Iran's economy, which is a small open economy with a large part of its foreign exchange revenue coming from oil and gas exports.  Because of this, currency rate and its relevant monetary policies are of utmost importance. Hence, having high qualified analysts would help the country to shape far better policies.
The 2008 US financial crisis and its effects on the global economy just showed how important the proper functioning of the money and banking sectors is in the global economy today. The monetary economics program is designed with such considerations in mind, especially for students who are well versed in quantitative economics. Graduates of this field will be valuable analysts for the Central Bank and its affiliated research institutes.

PhD in International Economics

International economics as one of the main disciplines of economics consists of two branches of international trade and international finance. In general, in the field of international trade, theories and policies of international trade, and in the field of international finance, theories of determining the exchange rate, theories of balance of payments and methods of resolving imbalances in it, and finally open macroeconomic issues are discussed.
Given Iran's economic situation, which seeks to diversify its export, students focusing on international trade can be of great help to policymakers in relevant agencies, including the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade.Also, pursuing the expansion of trade and economic relations with other countries by the country's diplomatic
apparatus in order to prevent unilateral restrictions on the country's economy, can be a great opportunity for these students. On the other hand, students who focus on international finance and exchange rate issues, as well as open macroeconomics, will have great opportunities to provide advice to the country's monetary and exchange rate policymakers.

PhD in Economics, Public Sector Economics

The third period of evolution of economics was formed in the second half of the twentieth century, in which public sector economics as a subset of economics has become particularly important since the 1950s. This branch of economics, analyze the government economic activities and is also relevant to Public Choice issues. In this regard, in addition to discussing the cost and benefits of public sector services, it seeks to address market failures caused by public goods, externalities, asymmetric information and monopoly.

Also more qualitative social and economic topics such as collective action theory, contract theory, property rights theory, rent-seeking theory, economic policy theory, government size theory and constitutional theory are also included. Graduates in Public sector can work in Public Policy research institute, Planning Organization, taxation authority, etc.