Mahdi Yazdani

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-27

Mahdi Yazdani

Economics and Political Sciences /

Journal Paper

  1. "Interaction between Monetary Policies and Exchange Rate under Financial Crisis and Inflation Targeting A Case Study of Iranian Economy"
    Mahdi Yazdani
    international economic studies,
  2. "Output Losses from Currency Crises and Role of Central Bank"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Mohammad Nikzad
    Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice, Vol. 10, pp.79-97, 2021
  3. "Border Effects as a Determinant of Commodity Groups Trade Flows between Iran and Korea"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Hadi Ramezani
    Korea and the World Economy, Vol. 21, pp.129-162, 2020
  4. "Evaluating the Effect of Intra-Industry Trade on the Bilateral Trade Productivity for Petroleum Products of Iran"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Hamed Pirpour
    ENERGY ECONOMICS, Vol. 86, 2020
  5. "FDI and Local Financial Market Development in Oil Exporting and Importing Emerging Economies VAR Panel Approach"
    Mahdi Yazdani
    international economic studies, Vol. 46, pp.1-18, 2018
  6. "Monetary Policies Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Prices in Asian Economies A Long and Short-run Analysis"
    Mahdi Yazdani
    Iranian Economic Review, Vol. 22, pp.1034-1064, 2018
  7. "Financial crisis oil shock and trade in Asia"
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani
    JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC STUDIES, Vol. 41, pp.601-614, 2014
  8. "How Do Sudden Stops of Capital Flows Affect Currency Crises in Asia"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Tayebi Seyed Komail
    Money and Economy, Vol. 8, pp.1-20, 2013
  9. "Determinants of Bonanza Episodes and Related Effects on Financial Crises in Emerging Market Countries"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Seyed Komail Tayebi
    International Journal of Business and Development Studies, Vol. 4, pp.63-86, 2012
  10. "Relationship between Financial Crisis and Oil Shock and its Effect on East-West Asia Trade Flows"
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani
    Iranian Economic Review, Vol. 16, pp.119-138, 2011
  11. "A Survey of Currency Anchor Selection in East-West Asia"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Seyed Komail Tayebi
    international economic studies, Vol. 36, pp.27-36, 2010
  12. "Tobin Tax and Shocks on the Balance of Payment A DSGE Approach"
    Mohammad Nikzad, Mahdi Yazdani
    Vol. 24, pp.313-345, 2024
  13. "Comparative Comparison for Effects of Balance of Payments Shocks in Different Exchange Rate Regimes: A DSGE Approach"
    Mohammad Nikzad, Mahdi Yazdani, Hassan Dargahi
    Vol. 23, pp.5-57, 2023
  14. "Evaluation of Exchange Rate Regime's Effect on Real Exchange Rate Misalignment: An Application of Propensity Score Matching Approach"
    Seyed Hasan Malekhosseini, Seyed Komail Tyebi, Monireh Rafat, Mahdi Yazdani
    Vol. 27, pp.87-114, 2023
  15. "Identification of the Most Important Variables Affecting the Mechanism of Monetary Policy Transmission in the Iranian Economy with the Dynamic Model Averaging Approach"
    Majid Rahimi, Kamran Nadri, Mahdi Yazdani
    Vol. 9, pp.151-190, 2022
  16. "The Effect of Central Bank Transparency on Macroeconomic Stability in Emerging Economies"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Raana Shokouei Donighi
    Vol. 22, pp.103-138, 2022
  17. "Determinants of International Capital Flows in Emerging Countries with Emphasis on Financial Globalization"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Mojtaba Sharifi Shifteh
    Vol. 1, pp.85-104, 2022
  18. "Effect of Exchange Rate Change on Macroeconomic Variables Through Banking System: Approach of Macro-Econometric Model"
    Mohammad Noferesti, Mahdi Yazdani, Hassan Ali Ghanbari Maman, Nasim Babaee
    Vol. 11, pp.99-131, 2021
  19. "Estimating the Substitution Elasticities of Import of Manufacturing Industries using Micro Data"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Mina Sadeghi
    Vol. 25, pp.1-30, 2021
  20. "Interaction of International Capital Flows and Economic Growth in D8 Countries"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Armen Markari
    Vol. 18, pp.13-25, 2021
  21. "Assessing the Impact of Changing the Bank Deposit Profit Rate on Macroeconomic Variables in a Macro-structural Econometric Mode"
    Mohammad Noferesti, Mahdi Yazdani, Nasim Babaee
    Vol. 21, pp.41-66, 2021
  22. "Evaluating the Exchange Rate Pass-through in Production Chains in Iranian Economy (Application of Input-Output Analysis)"
    Mohammad Noferesti, Mahdi Yazdani, Fahimeh Mohebbinia
    Vol. 11, pp.7-49, 2021
  23. "Output Losses Caused from Fluctuation of Foreign Direct Investment and Financial Crises in Emerging Market Countries"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Elmira Daryani
    Vol. 13, pp.767-801, 2021
  24. "Identification of the Most Important Variables Affecting the Mechanism of Monetary Policy Transmission in the Iranian Economy with the Bayesian Model Averaging Approach"
    Majid Rahimi, Kamran Nadri, Mahdi Yazdani
    Vol. 9, pp.293-323, 2021
  25. "The Role of Inflation Targeting in Exchange Rate Unification Policy: Difference-in-Differences Approach"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Mahnaz Mohammadi
    Vol. 12, pp.721-744, 2020
  26. "Bilateral Trade Creation Caused by D8 Formation among its Member Countries The Difference-in-Differences Approach"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Mojtaba SharifiShifteh
    Vol. 19, pp.191-222, 2020
  27. "Investigating the Welfare Status of Household in North Khorasan Province using the Engel Curve"
    Abolfazl Rahimi, Mahdi Yazdani, Hadi Hasanzadeh
    Vol. 12, pp.137-154, 2019
  28. "Investigating and identifying variables affecting the realization of the economics of students in Iran and selected countries on the horizon of 2050"
    Yadollah Dadgar, Mahdi Yazdani, Parisa Khoeini
    Vol. 6, pp.131-147, 2019
  29. "The Effect of Tax Incentives on Export of HS Commodity Groups"
    Mahdi Yazdani
    Vol. 27, pp.25-49, 2019
  30. "Analyzing the Impacts of Trade Liberalization and Foreign Capital Inflow on the Iranian Economy Approach of Computable General Equilibrium"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Marziyeh Bahalou Horeh
    Vol. 5, pp.5-46, 2019
  31. "Business Cycles Synchronization and Trade Integration: Comparison of D8, European Union and South East Asia Countries"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Amin Gholami
    Vol. 9, pp.61-94, 2019
  32. "The Effect of Trade Integration on the Efficiency of Irans Gas Trade using the Gravity Model"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Hamed Pirpour, Abolfazl Rahimi
    Vol. 53, pp.989-1018, 2019
  33. "The Determinants of Intra-Industry Trade in Energy Sector among Iran and its Major Trading Partners"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Hamed Pirpour
    Vol. 8, pp.43-78, 2018
  34. "Evaluating Effects of the Exchange Rate Uncertainty on Enterprises Financing and Foreign Direct Investment in Iran"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Hamed Pirpour
    Vol. 17, pp.35-65, 2018
  35. "Investigating the Effect of Natural Gas advantage on the Comparative Advantage of the Selected Exporting Industries of the Country"
    Farhad Dejpasand, Alireza Khazaei, Mahdi Yazdani
    Vol. 6, pp.59-89, 2018
  36. "Effects of Exchange Rate Unification on Macroeconomic Variables in Emerging Market Countries Difference-in-Differences Approach"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Mahnaz Mohammadi
    Vol. 10, pp.173-198, 2017
  37. "The Application of Precautionary and Mercantilism Approaches to identify the Determinants of International Reserves Changes in OPEC Countries"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Hamed Pirpour
    Vol. 8, pp.89-124, 2017
  38. "Determinants of International Reserves in OPEC Countries with Emphasizing on Oil Price Uncertainty"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Hamed Pirpour
    Vol. 14, pp.1-30, 2017
  39. "Inflation Targeting with Emphasis on Real Exchange Rate in Irans Economy"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Hassan Dargahi, Roghieh Akbariafroozi
    Vol. 22, pp.151-190, 2017
  40. "Trade liberalization and structural changes in the Iran economy budget"
    Morteza Mahmoodi Meymand, Mahdi Yazdani, Yeganeh Mosavi Jahromi, Seyed Abbas Najafi Zadeh
    Vol. 6, pp.55-77, 2017
  41. "Inflation Targeting according to Taylor s and McCallum s Time-Varying Rules in Iran"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Seyed Majid Momeni
    Vol. 24, pp.200-229, 2017
  42. "Evaluating the Output Losses from Currency Crises and the Role of Central Bank in Emerging Market Economies"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Hassan Dargahi, Mohammad Nikzad
    Vol. 8, pp.41-53, 2017
  43. "Interaction between Trade Flows and Contagion of Financial Crises in Emerging Market Countries Approach of Simultaneous Equations with Discrete Dependent Variable in Panel Data"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Ali Esmaeilykhoshmardan
    Vol. 22, pp.133-173, 2017
  44. "Border Effects on Bilateral Trade among Iran and Major Partners Approach of Non-Linear Gravity Model"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Mina Sadeghi, Hadi Ramezani
    Vol. 52, pp.245-269, 2017
  45. "Real Exchange Rate and Mechanism of J and S Curves among Iran and its Major Trade Partners"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Rahim Jangi
    Vol. 7, pp.31-53, 2017
  46. "Border Effects on Commodity Groups of Iranian Trade Flow Application of Non-linear Specification"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Hadi Ramezani, Mina Sadeghi
    Vol. 16, pp.159-188, 2016
  47. "The Effect of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) on Trade Development of Industry"
    Shirin Arbabian, Mahdi Yazdani, Sedigheh Khalili Ardali
    Vol. 20, pp.35-66, 2016
  48. "Evaluating the Effects of Real Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Export of Technical and Engineering Services in Iran"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Shirin Arbabian, Somayeh Jalali
    Vol. 11, pp.159-183, 2016
  49. ""
    Mahdi Yazdani, Somayeh Zare
    Vol. 5, pp.169-215, 2016
  50. ""
    Mahdi Yazdani, Hamed Pirpour
    Vol. 12, pp.91-118, 2016
  51. "The Effect of Exchange Reserves Shocks on Exchange Rate and Inflation in Iran"
    Seyed Komeil Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani, Chiman Badri, MohammadSadegh Rasoulyar
    Vol. 7, pp.569-590, 2015
  52. ""
    Seyed Komeil Tayebi, Khadijeh Nasrolahi, Mahdi Yazdani, Seyed Hassan Malekhosseini
    Vol. 20, pp.1-36, 2015
  53. ""
    Mahdi Yazdani, Tahereh Nourafrouz
    Vol. 9, pp.21-40, 2015
  54. ""
    Mahdi Yazdani, Seyed Komail Tayebi, Nafiseh Yazdani
    Vol. 22, pp.132-151, 2015
  55. ""
    Mahdi Yazdani, Seyed Komail Tayebi
    Vol. 3, pp.37-58, 2015
  56. ""
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani, Zahra Zamani, Somayeh Karimian
    Vol. 49, pp.961-983, 2015
  57. ""
    Leila Turki, Seyed Komail Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani, Elham Fathi
    Vol. 14, pp.167-196, 2014
  58. ""
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Nafiseh Yazdani, Mahdi Yazdani, Zahra Zamani
    Vol. 6, pp.87-110, 2013
  59. ""
    Azad Khanzadi, Mahdi Yazdani
    Vol. 6, pp.149-174, 2012
  60. ""
    Sameti Morteza, Mahdi Yazdani
    Vol. 10, pp.99-122, 2011
  61. ""
    Azad Khanzadi, Mahdi Yazdani
    Vol. 4, pp.149-174, 2010
  62. ""
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani, Azad Khanzadi
    Vol. 2, pp.93-114, 2010
  63. ""
    Morteza Sameti, Azad Khanzadi, Mahdi Yazdani
    Vol. 2, pp.35-57, 2010
  64. ""
    Morteza Sameti, Azad Khanzadi, Mahdi Yazdani
    Vol. 6, pp.51-72, 2010

Conference Paper

  1. "The Role of Central Bank to Reduce Output Losses from Currency Crises"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Mohammad Nikzad
    The International Conference of The Association of Korean Economic Studies, Korea and the World Economy, XVII:Economic Challenges and New Approaches for Aging Society', pp.24-24, 2018
  2. "Macroeconomic Policies and Output Loss from Sudden Stop of FDI"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Elmira Daryani
    The 33RD Annual General Meeting and Conference Redefining Prosperisty in Changging Global Econoomy Opportunities and Challenges for Pakistan The Pakistan Society of Development Economists (PSDE), 2017
  3. "Economic Relations between Iran and Korea The Potential Capacities of Investment in the Post-Sanctions Era"
    Mahdi Yazdani
    The International Conference on The Ocean The Economy World Ocean Forum Korea Association of Marine Industry Busan Korea, 2017
  4. "Border Effects on Trade Flows of Commodity Groups between Iran and Korea"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Seyed Komail Tayebi, Hadi Ramezani
    The International Conference on Korea and the World Economy XVI Economic Cooperation under the Increasing Protectionism and Barriers to Human, 2017
  5. "Prediction the Capacity of Investment in Iranian Port Sites"
    Abbas Arab mazar, Mahdi Yazdani
    Korea-Iran Business Forrum Busan Korea., No 1 , pp.61-71, 2016
  6. "Enhancing Economic Cooperation between Korea and Iran What Has Changed in Iran in the Post-Sanctions Era"
    Seyed Komeil Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani
    Korea-Iran Business Forrum Busan Korea., No 11 , pp.9-21, 2016
  7. "Border Effects on Trade Flows of Commodity Groups between"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Seyed Komeil Tayebi, Hadi Ramezani
    The International Conference on the Cooperation Platform for Iran and Korea in the Post-Sanctions Era, No 1 , pp.1-2, 2016
  8. "Sudden Stops of Capital Flows and Currency Crises Evidence from Asia"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Seyed Komail Tayebi, Charles Harvie
    The International Conference On Korea and The Worlde Economy XII .., 2013
  9. "Interaction between Exchange Rate Pass-Through Monetary Policies and Prices in Post-Crisis Asian Economies A Dynamic Analysis"
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani, Seyed Mostafa Razavi
    The International Conference On Korea and The Worlde Economy XI .., 2012
  10. "Analyzing Sudden Stops of Capital Inflow and Financial Crises Evidence from Emerging Markets"
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani
    The 10th APEF International Conference to be held at the Faculty of Entrepreneurship, 2011
  11. "Does Financial Crisis Cause Oil Shocks Investigation of Such Developments in East-West Asia Trade Flows"
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Seyed Mostafa Razavi, Mahdi Yazdani
    The 9th APEF International Conference The global Financial Crisis and East Asia Economic Development.., 2010
  12. "The Role of Chabahar Free Zone in Development of Trade between Iran and its Trading Partners"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Alireza Basiri
    , 2023
  13. "نقش و جايگاه محيط اقتصاد كلان در تأمين مالي پروژه هاي توسعه شهري تهران"
    Mahdi Yazdani, Alireza Basiri
    Tehran Investment Summit 2022, 2022
  14. ""
    Abolfazl Rahimi, Mahdi Yazdani, Hassan Ali Ghanbari Maman
    , pp.1-30, 2019
  15. ""
    Abolfazl Rahimi, Hassan Ali Ghanbari Maman, Mahdi Yazdani
    , 2019
  16. "Evaluating the Effects of Export Tax Incentives: Micro-Data Approach"
    Mahdi Yazdani
    , pp.1-17, 2019
  17. ""
    Mahdi Yazdani, Marziye Ourashmahmodsalehi
    12th international energy conference, No 1 , pp.1-12, 2018
  18. ""
    Mahdi Yazdani
    The 27th Annual Conference on Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy Financial Stability The Required Ground for Sustainable Economic Growth Monetary and Banking Institute CBI, 2017
  19. ""
    Mahdi Yazdani, Mahnaz Mohammadi
    The 27th Annual Conference on Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy Financial Stability The Required Ground for Sustainable Economic Growth Monetary and Banking Institute CBI, 2017
  20. ""
    Mahdi Yazdani
    The First National and The 7th National Student Conferences on Iran Economy, pp.1-17, 2017
  21. ""
    Mahdi Yazdani, Abbas Arab mazar, Hamed Pirpour
    , No 1 , pp.250-251, 2016
  22. ""
    Safora Salehidoust, Mahdi Yazdani
    , No 1 , pp.1-1, 2016
  23. ""
    Safora Salehidoust, Mahdi Yazdani
    , No 2 , pp.1-1, 2016
  24. ""
    Mahdi Yazdani
    , pp.58-69, 2015
  25. ""
    Mahdi Yazdani, Majid Rahimi
    , pp.1-11, 2014
  26. ""
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani, Samira Heidari
    , 2014
  27. ""
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani, Toktam Sadat Hosseini
    , 2014
  28. ""
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani, Nafiseh Yazdani
    , 2014
  29. ""
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani
    , 2013
  30. ""
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Ali Arshadi, Mahdi Yazdani, Nafiseh Yazdani
    , 2013
  31. ""
    Mahdi Yazdani
    , 2012
  32. ""
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani, Nafiseh Yazdani
    , 2012
  33. ""
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani, Nafiseh Yazdani
    , 2012
  34. ""
    Mahdi Yazdani, Nafiseh Yazdani
    , 2011
  35. ""
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani, Nafiseh Yazdani
    , 2011
  36. ""
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani, Azad Khanzadi
    , 2011
  37. ""
    Morteza Sameti, Azad Khanzadi, Mahdi Yazdani
    , 2011
  38. ""
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani, Azad Khanzadi
    , 2010
  39. ""
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani
    , 2010
  40. ""
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani, Azad Khanzadi
    , No 2 , 2010
  41. ""
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani, Azad Khanzadi
    , No 20 , 2010
  42. ""
    Morteza Sameti, Azad Khanzadi, Mahdi Yazdani
    , No 20 , 2010
  43. ""
    Karim Azarbayejani, Mahdi Yazdani, Azad Khanzadi
    , No 1 , 2009
  44. ""
    Seyed Komai Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani, Azad Khanzadi
    , No 20 , 2009
  45. ""
    Morteza Sameti, Azad Khanzadi, Mahdi Yazdani
    , No 19 , 2009
  46. ""
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani, Azad Khanzadi
    , No 19 , 2009
  47. ""
    Rahman Khoshakhlagh, Mahdi Yazdani, Amin Zahedmehr
    , No 9 , 2007
  48. ""
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani
    , No 10 , 2007
  49. ""
    Seyed Komail Tayebi, Mahdi Yazdani
    , No 1385 , 2007