Associate Professor
Update: 2025-03-27
Mohammad bagher Heshmat zadeh
Economics and Political Sciences /
Taught Courses
- Analysis of Political Logic
- Contemporary Islamic Movements
- Economy of Iran
- Energy and Natural Resources Economics of the Middle East
- Free Course 1
- Fundamentals of Political Science
- General Sociology
- History of Political Thought in Iran
- History of Political and International Relations in the Middle East and North Africa
- International Oil and Energy Issues of Developing Countries
- Introduction to Political Science
- Iran Iraq War Analysis
- Iran's Foreign Economic Relations: Past, Present and Future
- Iranian Islamic Revolution Analysis
- Iran’s Islamic Revolution in Its Reflection (Free Course)
- Islamic Political Philosophy (free Course)
- Islamic Revolution of Iran
- Islamic Revolution of Iran in Cultural and Historical Dimensions
- Oil in International Politics
- Political & Economic Issues of Oil in Iran
- Political & Social Issues of Islamic Countries (With Emphasis on Globalization)
- Political Geography of the Middle East and North Africa
- Political Sociology
- Political Sociology of Iran
- Politics and Government in the Islamic Republic of Iran
- Politics and Government in the Middle East and North Africa
- Politics and Government in the Middle East on the Eve of the 21st Century
- Public Opinion & Media
- Theories of Political Economy