Izadkhasti Hojjat

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-27

Izadkhasti Hojjat

Economics and Political Sciences /

Journal Paper

  1. "Examining the impact of income, population ageing and environmental quality on healthcare expenditure in OPEC member countries"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    Iranian Economic Review, 2025
  2. "The impact of human capital institutional quality and innovation on the regional gross domestic product: panel data approach"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    international journal of human capital in urban management, Vol. 8, pp.485-498, 2023
  3. "Applying Political Business Cycle to Explain Macroeconomic Policies in Iran: A Public Choice Perspective"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    International Journal of New Political Economy, Vol. 1, pp.175-197, 2020
  4. "An Analysis the Effect of Capital Taxation on Allocation of Resources A Dynamic Equilibrium Model Approach"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Abbas Arab mazar
    Iranian Economic Review, Vol. 20, pp.175-186, 2016
  5. "The Welfare Effects of Switching from Consumption Taxation to Inflation Taxation with Externalities and Leisure in Iran s Economy"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Rahim Dallali Isfahani, saeed samadi
    Iranian Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 4, pp.1-15, 2015
  6. "The Welfare Cost of Inflation in Consumer Surplus and Compensating Variation Method Case Study of Iran"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, SAeed Samadi, Rahim Dallali Isfahani
    International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Vol. 3, pp.250-258, 2013
  7. "Crowding out Effect of Foreign Aid in Selected Developing Countries Panel data evidence"
    Sadegh Bakhtiari, Izadkhasti Hojjat, Seyed Komail Tayebi
    Iranian Economic Review, Vol. 2, pp.51-64, 2013
  8. "Analysis the Effect of Gharzolhasaneh Credit on Income Distribution in Iran"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat
  9. "Investigating the factors affecting the tax coverage index in iran with an emphasis on oil revenues"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Farhad Dejpasand, Saman Alipour
    Vol. 32, pp.75-106, 2023
  10. "Investigating the Structure of Sustainable Urban Incomes and Calculating the Value Added Tax Gap of Tehran Municipality"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    Vol. 3, pp.64-75, 2023
  11. "The Effect of International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment on Carbon Dioxide Emissions in group D8 with panel data"
    Zarir Negintaji, Izadkhasti Hojjat
    Journal of Iranian Energy Economics, Vol. 44, pp.161-192, 2022
  12. "Investigating the Factors Affecting on Inflation with Emphasis on Knowledge-based Economy in Oil Exporting Countries"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Zarir Negintaji, mohamad mehdi najafi
    Vol. 3, pp.50-71, 2022
  13. "Analysis of The Value Chain of Sheep Meat Performance in Lorestan Province"
    Vol. 53, pp.481-495, 2022
  14. "Investigating the Factors Affecting Housing rent in Urban Areas of Iran with Emphasis on Urban Grouping"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Abbas Arab mazar, Mahboobeh Refahi
    Vol. 12, pp.53-82, 2022
  15. "Investigating the effects of Tax on bank deposits interest on Economic Variables in Iran: A deterministic DSGE Approach"
    Paria Nejadaghaeianvash, Abbas Arab mazar, Izadkhasti Hojjat, Farhad Dejpasand
    Vol. 3, pp.1-36, 2022
  16. "The impact of taxing the interest on saving on Economic Variables in Iran: A DSGE Approach"
    Paria Nejadaghaeianvash, Abbas Arab mazar, Izadkhasti Hojjat, Farhad Dejpasand
    Vol. 14, pp.371-414, 2022
  17. "Investigating Economic and Behavioral Factors Affecting on the Growth of Stock Price Index in the Tehran Stock Exchange"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Reza Mohseni, Meysam Soltani
    Vol. 29, pp.47-71, 2022
  18. "Analysis the Relationship between Value Added Tax Performance with Inflation, Income Distribution and Government Capital Asset Ownership in Iranian Provinces"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Yadollah Dadgar, Salar Ghorbi
    Vol. 29, pp.227-254, 2022
  19. "Investigating the Simultaneous Impact of Institutional Quality and Tax Evasion on the Performance of the Tax System in Selected Mena Countries"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Yadollah Dadgar, Pouria Beyki
    Vol. 18, pp.125-158, 2022
  20. "Investigating the effect of tax exemptions subject to Article 132 (BC) of the Law on Direct Taxes on the number and value added of industrial units established in exempt areas in Iran"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Abbas Arab mazar, Nasser Shirkavand
    Vol. 12, pp.1-30, 2021
  21. "Impact of Good Governance Quality and Income upon Happiness in Selected Countries"
    Yadollah Dadgar, Izadkhasti Hojjat, Seyed mohammad Seyedi
    Vol. 11, pp.45-84, 2021
  22. ""
    samira ghaseminasab, ئشتهي madah, Abbas Arab mazar, Izadkhasti Hojjat
    Vol. 29, pp.107-151, 2021
  23. "Investigating the Effect of Structural Transformation on the Efficiency of VAT Collection in the Provinces in Iran"
    Ali akbar Arabmazar, Izadkhasti Hojjat, Sara Yavari
    Vol. 21, pp.11-47, 2021
  24. "Investigating the Factors Affecting the Share of Food Costs of Urban and Rural Households: With Emphasis on Islam's Approach to the Household Dimension (Case Study of Isfahan Province)"
    Abolfazl Rahimi, Izadkhasti Hojjat
    Vol. 14, pp.341-366, 2021
  25. ""
    Niloofar Musaei, Naser Yarmohamadian, Nasr esfahani Reza, Izadkhasti Hojjat
    Vol. 5, pp.81-94, 2020
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    Abbas Arab mazar, Izadkhasti Hojjat, Saeed Beygmohammadi
    Vol. 11, pp.121-151, 2020
  27. "Identifying the Factors Affecting the Tax Rate on Vacant Houses in the Iranian Economy: Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach"
    Mehdi Razavi, Izadkhasti Hojjat, Vahide Dastjerdi
    Vol. 5, pp.17-34, 2020
  28. "Estimating Capacity of Capital Gains Tax on Residential Units in Isfahan City (Case Study: Selected Municipal Areas of Isfahan)"
    نيلوفر موسايي, ناصر يارمحمديان, رضا نصر اصفهاني, Izadkhasti Hojjat
    Vol. 5, pp.81-94, 2020
  29. "Inequality of Provincial Budget Allocation and its Impact on Inequality of Regional Income in Iran"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    Vol. 19, pp.39-70, 2020
  30. "The Effects of Environmental Tax Reform and Structure of Government Expenditure on Economic Growth and Welfare: A General Equilibrium Approach"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Abbas Arab mazar, Alireza Khajeh
    Vol. 54, pp.23-35, 2020
  31. ""
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Habibalah Teymoori
    Vol. 16, pp.1-20, 2019
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    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Abbas Arab mazar, Khalil Ahmadi
    Vol. 8, pp.41-71, 2019
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    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    Vol. 11, pp.193-216, 2019
  34. ""
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Noor Olah Salehi Asfeji, Yaser Balaghi Inaloo
    Vol. 26, pp.169-190, 2019
  35. "Analysis the Impact of Tax on Transfer of Real Estate and Housingon the Reduction of Housing Market Volatility in Urban Areas of Iran"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Abbas Arab mazar, Khalil Ahmadi
    Vol. 27, pp.155-190, 2019
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    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Ali akbar Arabmazar, Amin Jalali
    Vol. 10, pp.139-176, 2019
  37. "Analysis the Model of Provincial Capital Funds Allocation in Iran Efficiency-Based and Equality- Based Approach"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    Vol. 15, pp.1-23, 2019
  38. "Analysis the Effects of Tax in the Real Estate and Housing Sector and Estimating its Potential Capacity in Iran: with Emphasizing on Strategies and Challenges"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    Vol. 89, pp.73-103, 2019
  39. "The Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on the Value Added of the Industrial and Mining Sector in Iran under Unilateral and Multilateral Sanctions"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Elmira Ghanbardezfooli
    Vol. 10, pp.1-35, 2019
  40. ""
    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    Vol. 15, pp.135-165, 2019
  41. ""
    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    Vol. 15, pp.29-50, 2018
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    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    Vol. 6, pp.25-50, 2018
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    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    Vol. 8, pp.71-101, 2018
  44. "Analysis the Allocation of Government Expenditures in Health Area and Prevention of Pollution in Economic Growth Endogenous Growth Approach"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Yaser Balaghi inalo
    Vol. 17, pp.21-43, 2018
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    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Samaneh Javaherdehi, Masoud Abdollahi
    Vol. 8, pp.1-31, 2018
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    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Abbas Arab mazar
    Vol. 25, pp.43-80, 2018
  47. "Analyzing the Impact of Credit Creation in Fractional Reserve Banking on Macroeconomic Variables in Iran"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    Vol. 14, pp.9-34, 2017
  48. "Analyzes the Effects of Tax Policy Reform on Macroeconomic Variables in Iran Cash in Advance Approach (CIA)"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    pp.191-226, 2017
  49. "Tax on Land Rent and Capital Housing General Equilibrium Approach"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Abbas Arab mazar
    Vol. 14, pp.1-30, 2017
  50. "Analyzing the Impact of Green Taxes on Emissions of Pollution and Health Index in Iran a Simultaneous Equations Model"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Ali akbar Arabmazar, Mozhgan Khoshnamvand
    Vol. 29, pp.98-117, 2017
  51. "Analyzes the Effects of Efficient Fiscal Policy and Tax on Private Investment in Iran With an Emphasis on Corporate Income Tax and Fiscal Indiscipline"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Abbas Arab mazar
    Vol. 80, pp.11-34, 2017
  52. "An Analysis the Impact of Product Quality Improvement on Economic Growth in a Model of Endogenous Growth an Emphasizing on Innovation in the Production Process"
    Rahim Dallali Esfahani, Nematollah Akbari, Izadkhasti Hojjat, Yaser Balaghi
    Vol. 7, pp.1-24, 2016
  53. "The Effects of Inflation Taxation on Resource Allocation and Welfare in Iran s Economy Presentation of a Neoclassical Endogenous Growth Model with Leisure and Production Externality"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, saeid samadi, rahim dallali isfahani
    Vol. 50, pp.253-280, 2015
  54. "Electricity Demand Response Optimum Planning Based on Economic Modeling Demand with the Fexible Elasticity of Demand Function in Iran"
    mohammad javad izadkhasti, reza keypour, Izadkhasti Hojjat
    Vol. 11, pp.67-90, 2014
  55. "Explain and critique the nature and necessity of interest in the ideas of some economic thinkers in the West"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    Vol. 7, pp.121-148, 2014
  56. "A Comparative Analysis Welfare Cost of Inflation Tax In Partial and General Equilibrium Models Theoretical and Experimental Appraisal"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Saeed Samadi, Rahim Dallali Esfahani
    Vol. 15, pp.43-71, 2014
  57. "Impacts of Official Development Assistance on Government Fiscal Behavior in the Selected Asian Developing Countries"
    Sadegh Bakhtiari, seyed komali tayebi, Izadkhasti Hojjat
    Vol. 12, pp.23-38, 2012
  58. "An Analysis of Monetary Interest Rate Effects in Capitalist Economics Crisis Islamic Approach"
    mOHAMMAD Vaez barzani, Izadkhasti Hojjat
    Vol. 44, pp.77-104, 2011

Conference Paper

  1. "Behavioral economics and macroeconomics behavioral"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, S.Razieh tabaeian
    , 2015
  2. ""
    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    , 2024
  3. "The Necessity of Designing and Implementing the Capital Gain Tax System and its Role in Reducing Housing Market Volatility: With an Emphasis on the City of Tehran"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    , pp.1-32, 2024
  4. ""
    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    Tehran Investment Summit 2022, 2022
  5. ""
    Abolfazl Rahimi, Izadkhasti Hojjat
    , 2021
  6. ""
    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    , 2020
  7. ""
    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    , 2019
  8. ""
    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    , 2019
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    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    , 2018
  10. "Analysis the Performance Efficiency of Collection and Challenges of Implementation of Value Added Tax in Iran"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Abbas Arab mazar
    , 2018
  11. ""
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Samaneh Javaherdehi, masood abdollahi
    , 2018
  12. "Political Economy of International Corporatocracy and Multinational Organizations and its Impact on Terrorism and the War in the Muslem World With an Emphasis on Religious Terrorism"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    , 2018
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    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    , 2017
  14. ""
    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    , 2017
  15. ""
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Abbas Arab mazar
    , 2017
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    Izadkhasti Hojjat, rahim dallali esfahani
    , 2016
  17. "Land tax and urban housing A Case Study Isfahan city"
    Izadkhasti Hojjat, Abbas Arab mazar
    , pp.43-67, 2015
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    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    , 2014
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    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    , 2014
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    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    , 2013
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    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    , 2013
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    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    , 2012
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    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    , 2012
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    Izadkhasti Hojjat,
    , 2012
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    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    , 2011
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    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    , 2007
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    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    , 2007
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    Izadkhasti Hojjat
    , 2007