Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-27

Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi

Economics and Political Sciences /

Journal Paper

  1. "The Malicious Uses of Artificial Intelligence (MUAI) and Psychological Security in the Case of Iran"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    International Relations and Diplomacy, Vol. 11, pp.266-270, 2023
  2. "Conceptualization of Geo-security as an Interdisciplinary Approach (Case Study: Neighboring Countries of Iran)"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Geopolitical Quarterly, Vol. 4, pp.314-338, 2023
  3. "Lenses of Iran's Role in Syria's Conflict through a Comparison between BBC and Sputnik: News Approaches from Revisionist, Multilateral, and Counter-Hegemonic Discourse"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Journalism and Media, pp.278-291, 2022
  4. "COVID-19 and International Organizations: A Case Study of WHO"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi, Makouee Sevil
    international journal of advanced studies in humanities and social science, Vol. 11, pp.11-20, 2022
  5. "The Complicated Security Dilemma and Armament Trends in the Middle East: The Order and Change Predicaments"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    International Relations and Diplomacy, Vol. 9, pp.490-499, 2021
  6. "Islam and International Relations: Ontological Perspective"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    International Relations and Diplomacy, Vol. 11, pp.606-616, 2018
  7. "Conceptualizing the Islamic Solidarity in Foreign Policy of Islamic Republic of Iran"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    the iranian journal of international affairs, Vol. 20, pp.69-91, 2007
  8. ""
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 3, pp.131-150, 2024
  9. ""
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi, Sevil Makouee
    Vol. 22, pp.343-370, 2023
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 52, pp.133-152, 2022
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi, Amir Behzad Sadeqi
    Vol. 13, pp.113-135, 2022
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 10, pp.175-208, 2022
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi, Mohammad Abbassi
    International Political Economy Studies, Vol. 4, pp.493-522, 2021
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    Mohammad Mirabdoli, Reza Khorasani, Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 11, pp.67-96, 2021
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi, Sevil Makouee
    Vol. 2, pp.1-23, 2019
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 17, pp.35-56, 2018
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 11, pp.161-177, 2017
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 19, pp.101-128, 2016
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 4, pp.113-136, 2016
  20. "Security and Freedon in the Islam"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 4, pp.23-48, 2016
  21. "Anthropological Principal on the IRI s National Security School"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 26, pp.41-61, 2015
  22. "Strategic Issues of Turkey-Iraq Relations and its Impacts on IRI s National security"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi, Asghar Shakeri
    Vol. 45, pp.69-88, 2014
  23. "Relation between Social Justice and National Security A Theoratical Approach"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 61, pp.8-32, 2013
  24. ""
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi, Sevil Makouee
    Vol. 1, pp.43-57, 2013
  25. "Non-Porovocative Defense IRI s Startegy for reducing Security Dilemma in the Middle East"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 57, pp.71-92, 2013
  26. "Relation on Ethic and Security A Possibly on Ethical Security"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 58, pp.81-108, 2013
  27. "A Paradigmic Development in Structure of State and Society in the Twienty first Century of Middle East"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 35, pp.83-116, 2011
  28. "Concepualizing Faith Security in Quran"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 50, pp.5-34, 2011
  29. "Nation-State-Building National Identity Formation and National Reconstruction in Iraq Historical Experience and Future Prospects"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 47, pp.5-35, 2010
  30. "A Review on the Challenges of US and Iran in the post Saddam Iraq"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi, Hassan Taghipour
    Vol. 31, pp.145-179, 2010
  31. "Strategy and Politics A Historical and Evelutionary Review"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 30, pp.91-111, 2010
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 4, pp.201-210, 2010
  33. "Social Context of Romur in the Society"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 27, pp.15-27, 2009
  34. "Gorge W. Bush s Foreign Policy Approach on Iran Containment Policy (2004-8)"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 43, pp.83-117, 2009
  35. "Police s Functional Development in the light of Micro national Security"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 44, pp.7-27, 2009
  36. "Concepualizing Soft Security A Review on IRI s National Security"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 45, pp.82-108, 2009
  37. "On Concept of Security in defferent Contexts of State Tribe City-State Empire and Modern States"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 42, pp.722-755, 2009
  38. "Human Security Perspective in the 21th Century of the Middle East"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 41, pp.574-600, 2008
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 40, pp.278-312, 2008
  40. "Conceptualizing the Isalmic Solidarity in IRI s Foreign Policy"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 37, pp.508-528, 2007
  41. "Asymetric Warfare A Dilemma on Power and Fear"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 7, pp.14-32, 2006
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 3, pp.56-61, 2006
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 4, pp.141-146, 2006
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 2, pp.88-102, 2005
  45. "Intellectualism Social Identity and Modernity in Iran An Epistimological Approach"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 21, pp.47-68, 2005
  46. "Political Party and Ethnicity Replacing National Consensus by National Security"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 29, pp.167-182, 2003
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 2, pp.89-99, 2003
  48. "Politics and Literature A Endeavor for finding common Settings"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 53, pp.28-39, 2002
  49. "The IRI s Descision Alternatives on the US Threats A Case Study on Iraq"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 17 و 18, pp.815-818, 2002
  50. "Concept of Justice in John Rwals Theory"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 186, pp.70-79, 2002
  51. "Equality verses Inequality"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 33, pp.6-22, 2001
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 10, pp.54-56, 2001
  53. "The Relation between the Civil Society and the State A Comparative Survey"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Vol. 14, pp.1-16, 1997

Conference Paper

  1. "hina's Strategic Development and Foreign Policy in the Middle East in the Second Decade of 21st Century: The Whys and the Wherefores.""
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Eurasian Research on Modern China and Eurasian Conference, pp.1-10, 2021
  2. "The Potential Challenges of the Sino-Iran 25-year Comprehensive Cooperation Plan: Concerning on the Alliance Security Dilemma"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    The 7th International Forum on Asia and the Middle East The Middle East and the World from Eastern and Western Perspective, 2021
  3. ""COVID-19 and International Organizations: A Case Study of WHO"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
  4. "Europe, Turkey and Iran Interdependence An Iranian Approach"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    International Symposium on Chinas West Asian Strategies and Belt and Road Initiative-BRI, 2018
  5. "Iranian approach to Political Settlement in the Post-Conflict Syria"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Emerging Security Dynamics and the Prospects of a Political Settlement in Syria, 2018
  6. "The Complicated Security Dilemma and Armament Trends in the Middle East the order and change predicament"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    The 6th International Forum on Asia and Middle East The Middle East Security and Development in the New Era, 2018
  7. "Europe Iran Turkey Relations An Iranian approach"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Triangular Interdependence Europe Iran Turkey, 2018
  8. "The European Union Security Actorness within EU-Iran relations in the Post JCPOA Era A Successful Exemplar for the Cooperation in Future"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi, Jo?o Almeida Silveira
    EGA- Europe as a Global Actor International Conference, 2018
  9. "Iran-Saudi Foreign Relations in Prospect Probable Scenarios"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    The Second Annual Asia and the Middle East Conference (AAMEC), 2018
  10. "Identity Crises in the Middle East Three Perspectives"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    2nd International Conference on Identity Studies, 2016
  11. "Iran-Saudi Foreign Relations in Prospect Probable Scenarios"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ16), 2016
  12. "Identity and its Relation with Leadership in the Muslim World Focus on Alfarabi and Avicenna Thoughts"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Oxford Symposium on Religious Studies, 2013
  13. "Islam and International Relations Onthological Perspectives"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Oxford Symposium on Religious Studies, 2013
  14. "Some Structural Obstacles in Establishing Cultural Industry in Iran"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi, Sevil Makouee
    Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, 2011
  15. "Knowledge and Political Leadership in Al-Farabis Philosophical Thought"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    An International Conference on Acient and Medieval Philosophy, 2009
  16. "The Relationship between Knowledge and Power in Pre-Modern and Modernity Ages"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Youth in Science and Culture of the 21th Century Proceeding of the International Scientific and Creative Forum, 2008
  17. "Civic Movement of 2nd Khordad (23 May 1997) and Social Identity in Iran Conflict between Ought and Is"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Security Democracy and Human Rights, 2006
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi, Makouee Sevil
    , 2021
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    , 2018
  20. "In Relation of Ethnic and Security On Possibility of Ethnical Security"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Transformation of International Relations in the XXI Century Challenges and Prospects, 2017
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    , 2017
  22. "Islamic Revolution and its consequences in the Globalized World"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Islamic Revolution and its consequences, 2017
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Tehran Security Conference, 2016
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    , 2016
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    Tehran Security Conference, 2016
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    , 2016
  27. "Conceptualizing Islamic World System Geographically and Religious Perspectives"
    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    International Conference on World Islamic Conference, 2015
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    Davoud Gharayagh-Zandi
    , 2012